About Ace Aviation Services

Hey there! I’m Ryan Underwood and I am the founder of Ace Aviation Services, a Part 61 flight school based out of KRMG in Rome, Georgia.
I began my journey in the aviation industry at the age of 15 and learned to fly at a small flight school at the same airport. In 2005, I moved to Daytona Beach to continue my education at Phoenix East Aviation where I later became a flight instructor.
In 2007, I began flight instructing at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and attained my degree in professional aeronautics. I served as an assistant training manager to the university and worked with other university employees to create and improve the curriculum for students.
I later worked for Express Jet as a First Officer on the Embraer 145. After working in the airline industry I began to realize just how vast our profession can be. There are so many avenues aviation can take you down, from private flying to airline flying. It was during this time that I decided to share my experiences and love of aviation with my fellow aviators and the idea for Ace Aviation Services was born.
At Ace Aviation, our goal is to provide each and every pilot, no matter what the experience level, with the highest quality instruction and information available anywhere in the industry. Aviation training is an ongoing process and it is up to the pilot to stay up-to-date and informed on the changes with new technology as well as stay proficient with skills that have already been acquired. Ace Aviation makes this possible by providing pilots from all backgrounds and experience levels with the information needed to stay informed, safe, and proficient.
At Ace Aviation we strive to make the industry a safe environment on all levels and share the latest information with all of our fellow pilots. When you graduate from our course you will fly away feeling INFORMED, SAFE, and CONFIDENT.
In the news
Frank Chambless, Private Pilot & Aircraft Owner